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Martial arts - Chinese martial arts originated

Time: 2698 BC

Place: China

Details: Chinese martial arts originated during the legendary, possibly apocryphal, Xia Dynasty more than 4000 years ago. It is said the Yellow Emperor Huangdi (c. 2698 BCE) introduced the earliest fighting systems to China. The Yellow Emperor is described as a famous general who before becoming China's leader, wrote lengthy treatises on medicine, astrology and martial arts. One of his main opponents was Chi You who was credited as the creator of jiao di, a forerunner to the modern art of Chinese wrestling.



A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Emperor Guangwu of Han took the title emperor
Tuesday Aug 5, 25 - Luoyang, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Zhi of Han
Saturday Mar 6, 145 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Ding Huan invented the rotary fan
180 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Zhending of Zhou
518 BC - Zhou (Present-Day Luoyang)
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Xu Shen completed the Shuowen Jiezi
100 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Yuan of Zhou
475 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Ping of Zhou
770s BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Chinese people were first divided into a caste system
544 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Ping moved the Zhou capital east to Luoyang
770s BC - Luoyang, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Si of Zhou
440s BC - Zhou (Present-Day Luoyang)
Ancient China
Ancient China-Xi of Zhou
681 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Huan of Han
Monday Aug 1, 146 - Han dynasty, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Shang of Han
Mar, 105 - Luoyang, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Kao of Zhou
440s BC - Zhou (Present-Day Luoyang)
Ancient China
Ancient China-Zhuang of Zhou
696 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-An of Han died
Monday Apr 30, 125 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Hui of Zhou
676 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Zhuang Zhou was born
370 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Jing of Zhou
519 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-First Chinese star catalog was compiled
5th Century BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Dao of Zhou
520 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Shang of Han died
106 - Luoyang, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-An's son Emperor Shun of Han became emperor of the Han dynasty
125 - Luoyang, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-The Zuo Zhuan was published
389 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-An of Zhou
401 BC - Zhou (Present-Day Luoyang)
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Zhang Heng invented a seismometer capable of indicating the direction of earthquakes
132 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Huan of Zhou became king
719 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Liang Ji poisoned Zhi
Tuesday Jul 26, 146 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Sino-Roman relations
166 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Cast iron was first invented in China
500 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Marquess of Beixiang died
Monday Dec 10, 125 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Huan of Han died
Monday Jan 25, 168 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-An of Han
106 - Luoyang, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-He of Han died
Friday Feb 13, 105 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-The earliest surviving Chinese maps appeared
5th Century BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Dao was murdered
520 BC - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Xiang of Zhou
651 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu massacre
189 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Chong of Han
144 - Luoyang, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Ling of Han
168 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Cai Lun invented papermaking
105 - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Zhang of Han
75 - Luoyang, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Wang Chong correctly theorized the nature of the water cycle
83 - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Chong of Han died
Monday Feb 15, 145 - Han, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-First written civil code
543 BC - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-The Buddhist White Horse Temple was established
68 - Luoyang, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Liu Bian became emperor of the Han dynasty
189 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-The earliest known reference to The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art appeared
179 - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-He of Han
88 - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Ling of Han died
Wednesday May 13, 189 - Han, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Weilie of Zhou
425 BC - Zhou (Present-Day Luoyang)
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Disasters of the Partisan Prohibitions
166 - Han, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Lokaksema was born
147 - Han dynasty, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Marquess of Beixiang became emperor
125 - Luoyang, Han dynasty, China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-The Cantong qi was published
142 - China
A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Zhi Yao first translated Buddhist texts into Chinese
185 - China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Battle of Yique
293 BC - Present Day in Henan, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Battle of Bi
597 BC - Xingyang, China
Ancient China
Ancient China-Two sets Shang dynasty
1600s BC - China