John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind - Hospital Transportation
Time: 1961
Place: Trenton, New Jersey, U.S.
Details: Nash was admitted to the New Jersey State Hospital at Trenton. Over the next nine years, he spent periods in psychiatric hospitals, where he received both antipsychotic medications and insulin shock therapy.

Angelina Jolie-On Good Terms
Feb, 1999 - United States

Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Wealth
1966 - U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Rock and Mankind Won the Tag Titles for Final Time
Tuesday Oct 12, 1999 - U.S.

Nuclear Power-The world's first operational nuclear-powered submarine "USS Nautilus"
Thursday Jan 21, 1954 - U.S.

Gita Gopinath-Gita earned her Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University
2001 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Alan Turing-Turing Obtained His PhD From The Department of Mathematics
Wednesday Jun 1, 1938 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Roman Republic-Mithridates ordered the killing of a majority of the Romans
88 BC - Turkey

Alan Turing-Studying Under Alonzo Church at Princeton University
Sep, 1936 - Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Jeff Bezos-Graduation
1986 - Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Benjamin Banneker-Ellicott brothers
1772 - Bucks County, Pennsylvania

Incandescent light bulb-Edison filed his first patent Application for "Improvement In Electric Lights"
Monday Oct 14, 1878 - New Jersey, U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Great Appalachian Storm of 1950
1950 - U.S.

Benjamin Banneker-George Ellicott loaned Banneker books and equipment to begin a more formal study of astronomy
1788 - U.S.

Incandescent light bulb-Edison filed for a US Patent for an Electric Lamp using a Carbon Filament or Strip Coiled and connected to platina contact wires
Tuesday Nov 4, 1879 - New Jersey, U.S.

Bin Laden-Failed plan
Thursday Nov 8, 1990 - New Jersey, U.S.

OnePlus-MKBHD phone of the year 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018 - New Jersey, U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Death
Saturday May 23, 2015 - Monroe Township, New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-Unix Release
1971 - New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-Bell Labs began selling Unix as a proprietary product
1984 - New Jersey, U.S.

Black Friday-Demond Cottman was shot and killed
Friday Nov 25, 2016 - New Jersey, U.S.

Lady Gaga-Gaga and Fusari relation
2006 - New Jersey, U.S.

SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-SARS Spreading through China: Closing entertainment venues
Friday Apr 25, 2003 - Beijing, China

Battle of Princeton
Friday Jan 3, 1777 - New Jersey

Cameras-The First semiconductor image Sensor
1969 - New Jersey, U.S.

Atomic Bomb-The 1960 Fort Dix IM-99 accident
Tuesday Jun 7, 1960 - New Jersey, U.S.

Internet-Wide area networks emerged
1950s - World

Cameras-The discovery of digital Camera sensor Basis
1959 - New Jersey, U.S.

Halloween-Haunted Castle Fire
Friday May 11, 1984 - Jackson Township, New Jersey, U.S.

Albert Einstein-Death
Monday Apr 18, 1955 - New Jersey, United States

Ted Kaczynski-Kaczynski killed Burson-Marsteller
1994 - New Jersey, United States

Incandescent light bulb-Edison's first Successful Test
Wednesday Oct 22, 1879 - New Jersey, U.S.

Bicycle-American Star Bicycle
1880 - New Jersey, U.S.

Linux-Unix rewritten
1973 - New Jersey, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won AIEE Edison Medal
1917 - U.S.

Huawei-IEEE banned Huawei Employees
Thursday May 30, 2019 - Piscataway, New Jersey, U.S.

Huawei-Revoking IEEE ban For Huawei
Monday Jun 3, 2019 - Piscataway, New Jersey, U.S.

The Province of New Jersey was an English colony in1664
Wednesday Mar 12, 1664 - New Jersey

George Washington-Washington crossed the Delaware River
Thursday Dec 26, 1776 - Delaware River, U.S.

Unification of Italy-Count Cavour provided critical leadership
1861 - Italy

George Washington-Returned to New Jersey
Saturday Jan 4, 1777 - Delaware river, U.S.

Mass Shootings in the United States-Camden Shootings
Tuesday Sep 6, 1949 - Camden, New Jersey, U.S.

X-ray-X-ray problems
Aug, 1896 - Columbia College, New York, U.S.

Warren Buffett-Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
1947 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress chose his primary staff officers
1775 - U.S.

George Washington-Washington appeared before Congress in uniform
Saturday Jun 17, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-The state electors under the Constitution voted for the president
Thursday Feb 5, 1789 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Flag Resolution
Saturday Jun 14, 1777 - U.S.

George Washington-Militia Act of 1792
1792 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Secretary of the Board of War Richard Peters expressed concern
Monday May 10, 1779 - U.S.

George Washington-Congress created the Continental Army
Thursday Jun 15, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress imposed an excise tax on distilled spirits to help curtail the national debt
Mar, 1791 - U.S.

George Washington-Washington sworn into office by Associate Justice William Cushing
Monday Mar 4, 1793 - Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Flag of the United States-Declaration of Independence
Thursday Jul 4, 1776 - U.S.

George Washington-He was commissioned on June 19 and was roundly praised by Congressional delegates
Tuesday Jun 20, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress agreed to a Constitutional Convention
1787 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Library of Congress-Idea
1783 - U.S.

George Washington-Congress created executive departments
1789 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Drafts of a Standard
Wednesday Nov 3, 1779 - U.S.

Black Friday-The earliest known published reference to this explanation occurs
Saturday Nov 28, 1981 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Dollar Tree-Dollar Tree acquired Dollar Express
2000 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

John Morgan Birth
Friday Jun 10, 1735 - Philadelphia

First Continental Congress (1774)
Monday Sep 5, 1774 - Philadelphia

Dwayne Johnson-WrestleMania XV
Sunday Mar 28, 1999 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Joined the Continental Congress in Philadelphia
Friday May 5, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress appointed Washington General & Commander in chief of the army of the United Colonies
1775 - U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Unforgiven (2000)
Sunday Sep 24, 2000 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress ratified the Articles of Confederation
Friday Mar 2, 1781 - U.S.

George Washington-National Militia
Aug, 1783 - U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin Hart: I'm a Grown Little Man
Tuesday Feb 3, 2009 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-June 1856 Republican National Convention
Wednesday Jun 18, 1856 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress allowed free blacks to serve in the militia
Wednesday Jan 17, 1776 - U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell left Charleston for Philadelphia and New York
1847 - Philadelphia and New York, U.S.

Mother's Day-Protesting "Philadelphia"
1923 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Robert Fulton-Early life
1770s - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

George Washington-Letter to General Moses Hazen
Sunday May 19, 1782 - U.S.

Kobe Bryant-Birth and Early Life
Wednesday Aug 23, 1978 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Farewell Address
Monday Sep 19, 1796 - U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Philadelphia's black neighborhoods had a negative reputation
1890s - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Flag of the United States-Betsy Ross story
1780s - U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin began pursuing a career in stand-up comedy
1980s - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Laser-Ali Javan, and William R. Bennett, and Donald Herriott, constructed the first gas laser
1960 - New Jersey, U.S.

George Washington-Treaty of Alliance
Feb, 1778 - U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Royal Rumble (2015)
Sunday Jan 25, 2015 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Kevin Hart-Birth
Friday Jul 6, 1979 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Libraries-Library Company of Philadelphia
1731 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin and Torrei Hart married
2003 - U.S.

Robert Fulton-Marble statue of Fulton
1909 - Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Congress ordered an invasion of Canada
Jun, 1775 - U.S.

George Washington-Washington arrived in Philadelphia
Thursday May 10, 1787 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Black Friday-Big Friday
1961 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won John Scott Medal
1934 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla told onlookers that he was sure a system like his could eventually conduct "intelligible signals or perhaps even power to any distance without the use of wires"
1893 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Incandescent light bulb-Ebenezer Kinnersley's Discovery
1761 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Richard founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church
Thursday Feb 14, 1760 - Philadelphia

1959 - Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.

Spanish Flu-Philadelphia's October
Oct, 1918 - Philadelphia, U.S.

George Washington-Newburgh Conspiracy
Mar, 1783 - U.S.

Ted Bundy-First Years
1949 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.

George Washington-Letter to Charles Asgill
Thursday Nov 14, 1782 - U.S.

Computer animation-Beflix
1963 - Murray Hill, New Jersey, United States

Silvio Berlusconi-Graduated
1961 - Milan, Italy

Muhammad Ali Clay-Ali Converted to Islam
1961 - U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-3rd Divorce
Jan, 1961 - Mexico

Muhammad Yunus-He Was appointed Lecturer In Economics In Chittagong College
1961 - Chittagong College, College Road, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Algerian War-Pressure de Gaulle to abandon his demand to keep the Sahara
1961 - France

Carlos Slim-Graduating
1961 - National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

Akio Morita-The First Japanese Company To be Listed on The New York Stock Exchange
1961 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-National Periodical Publications became publicly traded on the stock market
1961 - New York, U.S.

Samuel Little -Little spent three years in prison
1961 - Lorain, Ohio, United States

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-The basic plan
1961 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

Nicaraguan Revolution-Forming The FSLN
1961 - Managua, Nicaragua

Warren Buffett-The Sanborn Map Company
1961 - U.S.

Algerian War-The first referendum on the self-determination of Algeria
Sunday Jan 8, 1961 - France and Algeria

Charles de Gaulle-French voters approved of Algerian self-determination
1961 - Algeria

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Final televised Address
Tuesday Jan 17, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Richard Nixon-The End of His Term of office as Vice President
Friday Jan 20, 1961 - White House, Washington D.C., U.S.

John F. Kennedy-A President
Friday Jan 20, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Atomic Bomb-The 1961 Goldsboro B-52 crash
Tuesday Jan 24, 1961 - Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S.

Nancy Pelosi-Nancy attended John F. Kennedy's inaugural address when he was sworn in as U.S. president
Jan, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Operation Pluto
Saturday Jan 28, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Anna May Wong-Death
Friday Feb 3, 1961 - Santa Monica, California, U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-The Soviets owned four intercontinental ballistic missiles only
1961 - Russia

Fidel Castro-Castro garnered support in New York City
Saturday Feb 18, 1961 - New York, U.S.

Mikhail Gorbachev-First Secretary of the regional Komsomol
Mar, 1961 - Russia

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC)
Mar, 1961 - Miami, Florida, U.S.

Algerian War-The talks that began in March 1961 broke down
Mar, 1961 - Algeria

Pablo Picasso-Second Marriage
Thursday Mar 2, 1961 - Vallauris, France

Ruby Bridges-Robert Coles
1961 - New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

James Bond-Thunderball was published
Monday Mar 27, 1961 - United Kingdom

Nelson Mandela-The Innocence
Wednesday Mar 29, 1961 - South Africa

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Bomb attack on militia barracks
Monday Apr 3, 1961 - Bayamo, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Bay of Pigs plan (Operation Zapata)
Tuesday Apr 4, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

John F. Kennedy-Final Invasion Plan
Tuesday Apr 4, 1961 - U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Brigade 2506 Started Transferring To Puerto Cabezas
Sunday Apr 9, 1961 - Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The El Encanto Fire
Thursday Apr 13, 1961 - Havana, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The invasion Fleet
Friday Apr 14, 1961 - Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua

Fidel Castro-The CIA Attack
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban national police Reaction
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Havana, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Sending reconnaissance sortie
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Baracoa, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Deception flight
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 - Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Air attacks on airfields
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 at 06:00:00 AM - San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba - Ciudad Libertad Airport, Havana, Cuba - Antonio Maceo Airport (SCU), Avenida al Aeropuerto Internacional Antonio Maceo Grajales, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Foreign Minister's Reaction
Saturday Apr 15, 1961 at 10:30:00 AM - New York City, U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The armed uprising
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 - Las Villas, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Brigade 2506 invasion fleet converged on 'Rendezvous Point Zulu'
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 - South of Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Failing to land near Baracoa
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 - Baracoa, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Losing Houston
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 06:50:00 AM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Attacking The Cuban Navy Patrol Escort ship El Baire
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 07:00:00 AM - Nueva Gerona, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Operation Falcon
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 07:30:00 AM - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-FAR Sea Fury crashed
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 08:30:00 AM - Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The arrival of Cuban troops and militia
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 09:00:00 AM - Australia, Cuba - Covadonga, Cuba - Yaguaramas, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Rio Escondido was blew up and sank
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 09:30:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The messenger from Red Beach
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 10:00:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Two remaining freighters started retreating south to international waters
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 11:00:00 AM - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Slaughter of the Lost Battalion
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 02:30:00 PM - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Castro had arrived at the Central Australia sugar mill
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 04:00:00 PM - Australia, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Army open Fire
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 08:00:00 PM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Night air strike by three FAL B-26s Fail
Sunday Apr 16, 1961 at 09:00:00 PM - San San Antonio de Los Baños airfield, Cuba

Fidel Castro-The Bay of Pigs Invasion
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - The Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The mock diversionary Landing
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Bahía Honda, Pinar del Río Province, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Entering the Bay of Pigs
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 12:00:00 AM - Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Capturing Osvaldo Ramírez
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Aromas de Velázquez, Cuba

Che Guevara-Bay of Pigs
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Cuba

John F. Kennedy-Bay of Pigs
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Principal Landing
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 01:00:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Retreating
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 05:00:00 AM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Attacking CEF ships
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Landing at Blue Beach
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 07:30:00 AM - Playa Giron, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban government began an offensive to take San Blas
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 11:00:00 AM - San Blas, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Nikita Khrushchev's Telegram To President Kennedy
Monday Apr 17, 1961 at 02:00:00 PM - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Arriving at Girón
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Girón, San Román, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Airdrops From four C-54s and 2 C-46s had Failled
Monday Apr 17, 1961 - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Cuban Army infantrymen and militiamen started an offensive
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 01:00:00 AM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Tank battle
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 10:00:00 AM - San Blas, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Attacking a Cuban column of 12 private buses
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 05:00:00 PM - Punta Perdiz, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Delivering arms and equipment to the Girón airstrip
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 - Girón, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Cuban Troops and Militia Took Playa Larga
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 10:30:00 PM - Playa Larga, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The 3rd Battalion surprise attack
Tuesday Apr 18, 1961 at 11:00:00 PM - San Blas, Cuba

John F. Kennedy-Bay of Pigs Negotiations
Wednesday Apr 19, 1961 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The Final air attack mission
Wednesday Apr 19, 1961 - Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Executed Prisoners
Wednesday Apr 19, 1961 - Pinar del Río Province, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Evacuating retreating Brigade Soldiers From Beaches
Wednesday Apr 19, 1961 - Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Humberto Sorí Marin execution
Thursday Apr 20, 1961 - Fortaleza de la Cabaña, Havana, Cuba

Fidel Castro-Castro forced the Brigade to Surrender
Thursday Apr 20, 1961 - The Bay of Pigs, Cuba

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Searching For Scattered Brigade Survivors
Saturday Apr 22, 1961 - Cuba

Hachikō-Yaeko Sakano
Sunday Apr 30, 1961 - Japan

Algerian War-Talks with the FLN reopened at Évian
May, 1961 - Évian, France

Ruby Bridges-The Bridges family suffered for their decision to send her to William Frantz Elementary
1961 - New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

John F. Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting
Sunday Jun 4, 1961 - Vienna, Austria

Berlin Wall-First time the colloquial term Mauer (wall) had been used in this context
Thursday Jun 15, 1961 - East Germany, Germany

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret's husband has created Earl of Snowdon
1961 - England, United Kingdom

Algerian War-Fighting was "virtually finished"
Thursday Jun 29, 1961 - France

Princess Diana-Birth
Saturday Jul 1, 1961 - Park House, Sandringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Raúl Castro-A Member of the National Leadership of the Integrated Revolutionary PO Organizations
Saturday Jul 1, 1961 - Havana, Cuba

Berlin Wall-Suggestion
Tuesday Aug 1, 1961 - East Germany, Germany

Joe Biden-Archmere Academy graduation
1961 - Claymont, U.S.

Barack Obama-Birth
Friday Aug 4, 1961 - Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.

Berlin Wall-Advance Warning Information
Wednesday Aug 9, 1961 - East Germany, Germany

Berlin Wall-The Order has signed
Saturday Aug 12, 1961 - East Germany, Germany

Berlin Wall-Barbed Wire Sunday
Sunday Aug 13, 1961 - East Germany, Germany

Berlin Wall-The First concrete elements
Thursday Aug 17, 1961 - East Germany, Germany