Uber - "Outlined the notion of spending 'a million dollars'"
Time: Tuesday Nov 18, 2014
Place: U.S.
Details: On November 17, 2014, BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith reported that Uber senior executive Emil Michael "outlined the notion of spending 'a million dollars'" to hire four top opposition researchers and four journalists. He said that team could help Uber fight back against the press by looking into "personal lives, your families". Michael was particularly focused on journalist Sarah Lacy, who accused Uber of “sexism and misogyny". Lacy wrote a sharp response critical of Uber's actions.

Lady Gaga-Interscope Records
Sep, 2007 - New York, U.S.

Leonardo da Vinci-Salvator Mundi
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017 - New York, U.S.

Angelina Jolie-The Director
Friday Apr 27, 2007 - New York, New York, United States

Donald Trump-Trump married Ivana Zelníčková
1977 - New York, U.S.

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Schindler's List
1993 - U.S.

Akio Morita-Establishing The Sony Corporation of America
Monday Feb 15, 1960 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Juneteenth-Juneteenth was formally recognized by New York City
2020 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Akio Morita-The First Japanese Company To be Listed on The New York Stock Exchange
1961 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-Detective Comics
Mar, 1937 - U.S.

Stan Lee-Getting married
Friday Dec 5, 1947 - New York, U.S,

Uber-UberFRESH available in New York City and Chicago
Wednesday Apr 29, 2015 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla went on to have offices at the Metropolitan Life Tower
1910 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Lady Gaga-Born This Way album
Tuesday May 24, 2011 - Abbey Road, London Germano, New York, U.S.

George Washington-Washington then proceeded to New York City
Sunday Apr 14, 1776 - New York, U.S.

Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky Relocated To an Apartment in Essex House In New York City
Oct, 1969 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Sony Corporation-Founding SCA
Monday Feb 15, 1960 - 25 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York, U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-John F. Kennedy's early birthday celebration
Saturday May 19, 1962 - Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.

Amazon-Barnes & Noble sued Amazon
Monday May 12, 1997 - U.S.

Bernard Arnault-Arnault planned to acquire Tiffany & Co.
Nov, 2019 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Bank of America-The Bank of America, Los Angeles opened a Delegation in New York
1918 - New York, U.S.

George Washington-Election of 1792
Saturday Nov 3, 1792 - U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-President of South Vietnam made a state visit to the United States for ten days
May, 1957 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Douglass became a licensed preacher
1840 - New York, U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Last visit to U.S.
1906 - U.S.

Anna May Wong-Wong played her first leading role
Nov, 1922 - U.S.

Red Dog (Pilbara)-Red Dog (2002)
2002 - U.S. and United Kingdom

Donald Trump-Democratic Party
2001 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump spent $94,801
1987 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump and Marla Maples married
1993 - U.S.

DC Comics-The logo was modified to incorporate the company's formal name National Comics Publications
Nov, 1949 - U.S.

Incandescent light bulb-Irving Langmuir's Researches
1913 - New York, U.S.

Franklin D. Roosevelt-1910 Elections
Tuesday Nov 8, 1910 - U.S.

Armenian Genocide-An Unattributed report
Aug, 1915 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-DC rebooted all of its running titles following the Flashpoint storyline
2011 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump was poised to win the Republican nomination
Mar, 2016 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump announced he would not run for president
Monday May 16, 2011 - U.S.

DC Comics-One of the longest-running comic-book series
1983 - U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-Ondine
1954 - U.S.

Bank of America-Bancitaly Corporation acquired the stocks of various banks located in New York City and certain foreign countries
1918 - New York, U.S.

George Washington-Lieutenant General
Wednesday Jul 4, 1798 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Person of the Year
Dec, 2016 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-The Line of DC Super-Stars
Dec, 1973 - U.S.

DC Comics-DC announced that it would end all ongoing series set in the DC Universe in August and relaunch its comic line
Thursday Jan 6, 2011 - U.S.

Warren Buffett-Becoming Warren Buffett
2017 - New York, U.S.

IBM-Largest U.S. Corporations
2018 - U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal freestyled a diss rap about Bryant
Sunday Jun 22, 2008 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-DC unveiled a new logo consisting of the letter "D" flipping back to reveal the letter "C" and "DC ENTERTAINMENT"
Mar, 2012 - U.S.

DC Comics-DC announced it would begin releasing digital versions of their comics on the same day as paper versions
May, 2011 - U.S.

Akio Morita-Sony bought CBS Records Group
1988 - U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Douglass arrived New York City "Freedom"
Tuesday Sep 4, 1838 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Lady Gaga-Career beginning
2005 - New York, U.S.

Uber-Uber goes live in New York City
May, 2011 - New York City, New York, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-The Crisis
Nov, 1910 - U.S.

Jeff Bezos-Banking Industry
1980s - New York City, New York, U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump was listed on the initial Forbes list of wealthy individuals in 1982
1982 - U.S.

DC Comics-DC Universe is a video on demand service operated by DC Entertainment
May, 2018 - U.S.

DC Comics-The new logo
Tuesday May 17, 2016 - U.S.

DC Comics-National Comics Publications
Monday Sep 30, 1946 - New York, U.S.

Fido (dog)-Time magazine wrote an article about Fido
Apr, 1957 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Andrew Yang-Testimony on Gender Equity
Sep, 2019 - New York, U.S.

Donald Trump-New York Republicans circulated a memo suggesting Trump should run for governor of the state in 2014
Oct, 2013 - New York, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla postulated that electricity could be used to locate submarines via using the reflection of an "electric ray" of "tremendous frequency"
Aug, 1917 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell returned to New York City
1851 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Richard Jewell-Saturday Night Live
Saturday Sep 27, 1997 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Uber-Uber launches Uber Rush in New York City
Tuesday Apr 8, 2014 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Eminem-Eminem was the first white artist to appear on the cover of The Source
Jul, 2000 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-Giant
1972 - U.S.

DC Comics-DC briefly retired the circular logo in favour of a simple "DC" in a rectangle with the name of the title
Oct, 1970 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla emigrated to the United States
Jun, 1884 - U.S.

DC Comics-The introduction of Batman
May, 1939 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved out of the Liberty Street shop Peck and Brown had rented and for the next dozen years worked out of a series of workshop/laboratory spaces in Manhattan
1889 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-The Problem of Increasing Human Energy
Jun, 1900 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Eminem-Hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019 - New York, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Survivor Series (2011)
Sunday Nov 20, 2011 - New York City, New York, U.S.

DC Comics-A New logo (dubbed the "DC spin")
Sunday May 8, 2005 - U.S.

Muhammad Ali Clay-Super Fight II
Monday Jan 28, 1974 - New York, U.S.

Muhammad Ali Clay-1st Fight against Frazier
Monday Mar 8, 1971 - Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal appeared as himself on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm
2000 - New York, U.S.

Anna May Wong-The Campbell Playhouse
1939 - New York., U.S.

Martin Luther King-The American Race Crisis
Thursday Feb 6, 1964 - New York, U.S.

Angelina Jolie-Notes from My Travels
Oct, 2003 - New York, New York, United States

Abraham Lincoln-Cooper Union speech
Tuesday Feb 28, 1860 - Cooper Union, New York, U.S.

DC Comics-The Big Comic Magazine
Feb, 1935 - U.S.

Lady Gaga-Hired as a song writer
2007 - New York, U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-American Civil War broke out
Saturday Apr 13, 1861 - U.S.

Plane Accidents-September 11 terrorist attacks
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-DC titles featured a new circular logo
Jul, 1972 - U.S.

DC Comics-DC's first logo appeared
Apr, 1940 - U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Kitty Barry
1856 - U.S.

DC Comics-National Periodical Publications became publicly traded on the stock market
1961 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-Showcase
Mar, 1956 - U.S.

Lucky Luciano-Emigrated to the U.S.
Apr, 1906 - New York, U.S.

DC Comics-The earliest DC Comics character to still be in the DC Universe
1935 - U.S.

Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell began delivering lectures and published The Laws of Life with Special Reference to the Physical Education of Girls
1852 - U.S.

Lucky Luciano-$12 million wealth
1925 - U.S.

DC Comics-DC titles introduced an updated logo
Nov, 1941 - U.S.

DC Comics-Action Comics
Jun, 1938 - U.S.

DC Comics-Raising the price from 35 cents to 50 cents
Jun, 1978 - U.S.

Carlos Slim-The Largest Shareholder in the New York Times Company
Tuesday Jan 20, 2015 - New York, U.S.

Robin Williams-Grammy award
1979 - New York, U.S.
On This Day - 18 November

1727 Tabriz earthquake-The Disaster
Tuesday Nov 18, 1727 - Tabriz, Iran

Disasters with highest death tolls-1727 Tabriz Earthquake
Tuesday Nov 18, 1727 - Tabriz, East Azarbaijan, Iran

Mozart-Mozart with king Louis XV in Paris
Friday Nov 18, 1763 - Paris, France

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln spoke at the dedication of the Gettysburg battlefield cemetery
Wednesday Nov 18, 1863 - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Indira Gandhi-Born
Sunday Nov 18, 1917 - Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

Marcus Garvey-Released
Friday Nov 18, 1927 - U.S.

Walt Disney-Winning The Academy Award For best Short Subject (Cartoon) at The 1932 Ceremony
Friday Nov 18, 1932 - The Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Itzak Stern-Oskar Schindler was first introduced to Stern
Saturday Nov 18, 1939 - Poland

Qaboos bin Said al Said-Birth
Monday Nov 18, 1940 - Salalah, Dhofar, Oman

Alan Turing-The Governement Response on Turing Message
Tuesday Nov 18, 1941 - Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom

World War II-Operation Crusader
Tuesday Nov 18, 1941 - Egypt and Libya

Bay of Pigs Invasion-Telling President-elect John Kennedy about the outline plans
Friday Nov 18, 1960 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-Arab oil ministers cancel the scheduled 5 percent cut in production for EEC
Sunday Nov 18, 1973 - Middle East

Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Latvia's protest
Wednesday Nov 18, 1987 - Riga, Latvia

Bosnian War-The First multi-party election
Sunday Nov 18, 1990 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnian War-The Croatian Community of Herzeg-Bosnia
Monday Nov 18, 1991 - Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Civil settlement with Paula Jones
Wednesday Nov 18, 1998 - Arkansas, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-Survivor Series (2001)
Sunday Nov 18, 2001 - Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.

Nintendo-The Wii release
Saturday Nov 18, 2006 - Kyoto, Japan

Silvio Berlusconi-Claiming a fresh election
Sunday Nov 18, 2007 - Italy

Stan Lee-Receiving National Arts Medal
Tuesday Nov 18, 2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Lula da Silva-Lula decided to bar extradition of Battisti
Wednesday Nov 18, 2009 - Brazil

Ford-3% reduce in stake
Thursday Nov 18, 2010 - U.S.

Popeyes-Popeyes would release a Fried Turducken sandwich
Friday Nov 18, 2011 - U.S.

Nintendo-The Wii U
Sunday Nov 18, 2012 - Kyoto, Japan

Conflict in Myanmar-Government forces attacked the Kachin Independence Army's headquarters
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014 - Laiza, Myanmar

Félix Lpez Birth
Sunday Nov 18, 1742 - Madrid

Eleonora Gonzaga Birth
Monday Nov 18, 1630 - Mantua
18 November 2014

Conflict in Myanmar-Government forces attacked the Kachin Independence Army's headquarters
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014 - Laiza, Myanmar
November 2014

Samsung-Acquiring Proximal Data
Monday Nov 3, 2014 - San Diego, California, U.S.

Prince Harry-Opening the Field of Remembrance
Thursday Nov 6, 2014 - Westminster Abbey, London, England

Amazon-Amazon resolves dispute with Hachette
Nov, 2014 - Paris, France

Internet-President Obama recommended the FCC reclassify broadband Internet service
Monday Nov 10, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

American Sniper: Christopher Scott Kyle-American Sniper
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014 - U.S.

Qasem Soleimani-Soleimani's command pushed ISIL out of the Iraqi villages of Jalawla and Saadia
Nov, 2014 - Diyala Governorate, Iraq

Ellie Goulding-Aid 30
Saturday Nov 15, 2014 - Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom

YouTube-300 hours of new videos were uploaded to the site every minute
Nov, 2014 - San Bruno, California, U.S.

YouTube-Music Key
Nov, 2014 - San Bruno, California, U.S.

Nokia-Nokia planned to re-enter the Consumer Electronics business
Monday Nov 17, 2014 - Espoo, Finland

Conflict in Myanmar-Government forces attacked the Kachin Independence Army's headquarters
Tuesday Nov 18, 2014 - Laiza, Myanmar

Reddit-Ohanian and Huffman returned to leadership roles at Reddit
Nov, 2014 - San Francisco, California, United States

Reddit-Yishan Wong resigns as Reddit CEO
Nov, 2014 - San Francisco, California, United States

IKEA-Jang Duck-jin's announcement
Monday Nov 24, 2014 - South Korea

Eminem-Shady XV
Monday Nov 24, 2014 - U.S.

Xiaomi-Raising over US$1 billion
Nov, 2014 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Kobe Bryant-20th career triple-double
Sunday Nov 30, 2014 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Oculus-Samsung Partnership
2014 - Suwon-si, South Korea

BMW-BMW sold 415,200 vehicles in China
Jan, 2014 - China

Halimah Yacob-The Singapore Women's Hall of Fame
2014 - Singapore

Lula da Silva-Operation Car Wash
2014 - Brazil

Virtual reality-PlayStation VR
2014 - Minato City, Tokyo, Japan

Symbian OS-Symbian terminated
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - Espoo, Finland

Amancio Ortega-Epic Residences and Hotel
2014 - Biscayne Boulevard Way, Miami, Florida, U.S.

Prince William-Duchy of Cornwall
2014 - Liskeard, England, United Kingdom

Tesla, Inc.-First deliveries of the right-hand-drive model destined
2014 - UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-Charity in Dublin summit
2014 - Dublin, Ireland

Banking Frauds and Hacks-Korea Credit Bureau
2014 - South Korea

Bitcoin-From $13.30 rising to $770
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-Another Relatioship
2014 - West Broadway, Vancouver, Canada

Robin Williams-After Deaths Films
Wednesday Jan 1, 2014 - U.S.

Sofia Kenin-Grand Slam debut
2014 - U.S.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-The Tig
2014 - U.S.

Facebook, Inc.-Over One Billion Users Connected Via a Mobile Device
Jan, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Virtual reality-SteamSight Prototype
2014 - Bellevue, Washington, U.S.

Virtual reality-Facebook Bought Oculus VR
2014 - Menlo Park, California, United States

Google LLC-Google's Market Capitalization Had Grown To $397 Billion
Jan, 2014 - Mountain View, California, U.S.

Banking Frauds and Hacks-JP Morgan Chase
2014 - New York, New York, U.S.

PlayStation-PlayStation Now (PS Now)
Tuesday Jan 7, 2014 - Tokyo, Japan

International Monetary Fund-Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality
Jan, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Zlatan Ibrahimović-Winning the 2013 FIFA Puskás Award
Monday Jan 13, 2014 - Zürich, Switzerland

PlayStation Network-Consumer Electronics Show
Jan, 2014 - Tokyo, Japan

Qasem Soleimani-Push back ISIL militants
2014 - Amirli, Iraq

Prince Harry-Staff Officer Role
Friday Jan 17, 2014 - Horse Guards, London, England

Kevin Hart-Hart starred as Ben in Ride Along
Jan, 2014 - U.S.

Mohamed Salah-To Chelsea
Thursday Jan 23, 2014 - London, England

The Beatles-McCartney and Starr performed together
Sunday Jan 26, 2014 - Staples Center, Los Angeles, USA

Google LLC-Google announced It Had agreed to acquire DeepMind Technologies
Sunday Jan 26, 2014 - London, England

Justin Trudeau-The House of Commons
Monday Jan 27, 2014 - Ottawa, Canada

3D printing-Swedish supercar manufacturer Koenigsegg announced the One:1
2014 - Ängelholm, Scania, Sweden

Library of Congress-The library doubled the size of its analog collections from 85.5 million items in 1987 to more than 160 million items in 2014
2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Garry Kasparov-Kasparov applied for citizenship by naturalization in Croatia
Feb, 2014 - Croatia

Facebook, Inc.-Facebook announced That It Would be Buying WhatsApp
Feb, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Conflict in Myanmar-One of the largest Shan insurgent groups
Saturday Feb 1, 2014 - Shan State, Myanmar

Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Expanded The Gender Setting
Feb, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Elizabeth Holmes-Holmes ranked the world's youngest self-made woman in 2014
2014 - Washington, D.C., U.S

Sony Corporation-Sony announced Selling VAIO PC business
Tuesday Feb 4, 2014 - Tokyo, Japan

Facebook, Inc.-The Company Celebrated Its 10th anniversary
Monday Feb 3, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Bill Gates-A new Chairman
Tuesday Feb 4, 2014 - Washington, U.S.

Microsoft-Steve Ballmer Stepped down as CEO of Microsoft
Tuesday Feb 4, 2014 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

Elliot Page-Elliot Page came out in Human Rights Campaign's conference.
Friday Feb 14, 2014 - U.S.

YouTube-Susan Wojcicki was appointed CEO of YouTube
Feb, 2014 - San Bruno, California, U.S.

Ellie Goulding-Winning Brit award
Wednesday Feb 19, 2014 - London, United Kingdom

NATO Establishment-The Russian Intervention In Crimea
Thursday Feb 20, 2014 - Crimea

Xiaomi-Singapore release
Thursday Feb 20, 2014 - Singapore

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-Erdoğan Deny The Conversation In The Records
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014 - Istanbul, Turkey

Michael Jordan-Bought the team
Thursday Feb 27, 2014 - Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.

Sony Corporation-P5, Inc.
Friday Feb 28, 2014 - Japan

Donald Trump-Quinnipiac poll
Feb, 2014 - New York, U.S.

Garry Kasparov-A Croatian passport holder
Friday Feb 28, 2014 - Croatia

HTC-HTC One (M8)
Mar, 2014 - Xindian, New Taipei, Taiwan

Ciro Immobile-First International match
Sunday Mar 2, 2014 - Italy

Prince Harry-Launching Invictus Games
Thursday Mar 6, 2014 - London, England

Kim Jong-un-Supreme People's Assembly
Sunday Mar 9, 2014 - North Korea

OnePlus-Expanding to the European Union
Sunday Mar 9, 2014 - Brussels, Belgium

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-The Tour
2014 - New Zealand and Australia

David Cameron-Cameron's first visit to Israel as Prime Minister
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014 - Jerusalem, Israel

International Monetary Fund-IMF secured an $18 billion bailout fund for the provisional government of Ukraine
Mar, 2014 - Ukraine

Xiaomi-Redmi Note phablet
Sunday Mar 16, 2014 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Michael Jordan-Jordan's purchase approved
Monday Mar 17, 2014 - Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.

St. Patrick's Day-Moscow Irish Week
Monday Mar 17, 2014 - Moscow, Russia

Mona Lisa-9.3 million people visited the Louvre
2014 - Paris, France

Mona Lisa-France 24 article suggested that the painting could be sold to help ease the national debt
2014 - France

Sony Corporation-The PlayStation VR announcement
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Java (programming language)-Java SE 8
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014 - California, U.S.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-The Twitter service Block
Thursday Mar 20, 2014 - Istanbul, Turkey

Facebook, Inc.-Facebook announced a New Open-Source Programming Language
Thursday Mar 20, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Ciro Immobile-First Seria A hat-trick
Saturday Mar 22, 2014 - Italy

Lionel Messi-All-time top scorer in El Clásico
Sunday Mar 23, 2014 - Madrid, Spain

Plague-Researchers at Duke University School of Medicine and Duke-NUS Medical School
2014 - Singapore

Oculus-Facebook Acquisition
Tuesday Mar 25, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Angela Merkel-The longest-serving incumbent head of government in the European Union.
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014 - Germany

Oculus-Michael Abrash
Friday Mar 28, 2014 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Kaká-300th match for Milan
Saturday Mar 29, 2014 - Milan, Italy

Xiaomi-Purchasing the domain mi.com
Mar, 2014 - Anningzhuang Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China

HTC-Company's fastest growth
Apr, 2014 - Xindian, New Taipei, Taiwan

Michael Phelps-Come out of retirement
Apr, 2014 - U.S.

OnePlus-Hiring Han Han
Apr, 2014 - Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Tesla, Inc.-The Deliveries of Tesla Model S in China began
Apr, 2014 - China

Nike, Inc.-One of The biggest Strikes In Mainland China
Apr, 2014 - Hong Kong

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal has been dating Laticia Rolle
2014 - Massachusetts, U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-WrestleMania XXX
Sunday Apr 6, 2014 - New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

Black Friday-"Black Thursday" sales were as overall sales for the holiday weekend fell 11% compared to the previous year despite heavy traffic at the stores on Thanksgiving night
2014 - U.S.

Black Friday-Black Friday started as White Friday campaign
2014 - Middle East and UAE

Black Friday-Discounts of up to 85% were given by retailing giants such as Apple and Amazon
2014 - France

Uber-Uber launches Uber Rush in New York City
Tuesday Apr 8, 2014 - New York City, New York, U.S.

IBM-Selling a Division
2014 - Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, China

Bank of America-Bank of America sold two dozen branches in Michigan to Huntington Bancshares
Apr, 2014 - Michigan, U.S.

Marco van Basten-The Manager of AZ Alkmaar
Friday Apr 18, 2014 - Alkmaar, Netherlands

OnePlus-OnePlus One
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014 - Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

OnePlus-Smash the Past
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014 - Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Carlos Slim-Telekom Austria
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014 - Vienna, Austria

Internet-Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was reported to be considering a new rule that would permit Internet service providers to offer content providers a faster track to send content
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014 - Washington, D.C., U.S.

Black Friday-ICANN top-level domains
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014 - U.S.

Microsoft-Nokia acquired
Friday Apr 25, 2014 - Finland

Oppo-Oppo Phablet
Apr, 2014 - Dongguan, Guangdong, China

New York Stock Exchange-Market rules violation
Thursday May 1, 2014 - New York City, New York, U.S.